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The powerful play goes on. Still trying to contribute a verse.


Aren't you? Yes, I am. The guy you read in the newspaper. Saw on the TV. Heard on the radio. Coached against in travel baseball. Cheered for as the PA voice for the high school basketball team. Sometimes I got carried away. Other times you would have volunteered to escort me from the premises. Like the umpire who asked if I wanted to watch the rest of the game from the parking lot. I did not. It was the first inning. 


Fun facts. I am a husband and father, son and brother. I am neither Bammer, Barner nor Blazer, though despite what you may have read or said about me on Twitter, I am a sucker for a happy ending. I will freely admit that, for wildly different reasons, I got something in my eye the day UAB football died and again when it rose from the grave. Who am I really for? The good guys, whatever colors they wear.


I am a man of letters, words and paragraphs that, despite an early Hunter S. Thompson fanboy phase, I now allow to run on longer than one sentence as the story requires. Words have power is my mantra, and Scarbo Knows is the dba catchphrase for my LLC. Which means I am my own boss, a spry old dog with mad fresh skills. Kaiser and Kanon double-dog-dared me to say that. 


Look at me, burying the lede.​ You should see all the different things I can do for you.


So let's keep a good thing going, shall we? I'm game. Are you?

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