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Kevin Scarbinsky
Jul 19, 2019
When Bob asked Gus about the hot seat
Bob Holt and Gus Malzahn go way back. Bob is a veteran sports reporter in Arkansas who covers the Razorbacks. Gus is an Arkansas native...

Kevin Scarbinsky
Jun 19, 2019
And so ends the best Auburn year ever
This is the way the best Auburn year ever ended. Not with a bang, but a swing and a miss. Not with a national championship, but a...

Kevin Scarbinsky
Jun 17, 2019
Not again, Auburn
They should've won the game. You know it. I know it. Butch Thompson and every one of his players know it. You go to the bottom of the...

Kevin Scarbinsky
Jun 10, 2019
Auburn to Omaha: It's authentic
They did it for Rod. For Rod and Paula. For Hal Baird and Bo Jackson, Frank Thomas, Tim Hudson and Gregg Olson. For anyone and everyone...

Kevin Scarbinsky
May 26, 2019
Rod Bramblett, Auburn's voice, will echo forever
The last time I saw Rod Bramblett was … Tuesday. It hurts to type those words because they mean what they too often do. They mean I'll...

Kevin Scarbinsky
May 24, 2019
That's so Auburn
If you like daytime drama and nighttime reality TV, you have to love Auburn. If you're a fan of hair-raising, jaw-dropping endings that...

Kevin Scarbinsky
Apr 7, 2019
Auburn handles the bitter end like a true champion
Samir Doughty, the glue guy on an Auburn team whose bond was essential to its unprecedented journey, committed the Final Four foul that...

Kevin Scarbinsky
Apr 6, 2019
Did Auburn get screwed? You bet your asterisk
No way no how nowhere should a game of Final Four magnitude be decided that way. Foul on Auburn? Maybe, but the official on the scene...
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